. Bunting - Your cat may rub or push their face against objects with their forehead, cheeks or chin. What your cat is doing is marking them with subtle biological scents. Some say that a cat's rubbing with the forehead or cheeks indicates affection, but rubbing with the chin is usually reserved for territorial marking.
. Furniture scratching. Contrary to popular belief, (Ask Ms. Stinky she know about this addiction)furniture scratching is not the cat's way of sharpening their claws but is a form of visual and scent marking. Your cat's paws are equipped with scent glands to facilitate this function.
Territorial concerns will increase furniture scratching/marking and should be addressed if furniture scratching becomes a problem.
. Marking objects with urine or feces, This is an even more distasteful form of marking behavior to most cat owners. The function is similar to furniture marking signifying a olfactory warning.
. Anal sac secretions. Your cat may sometimes discharge their anal sac, when in situations of extreme fear. Anal sac secretions are thought to contain a fear pheromone that serves to remind the cat not to pass that way again.
. There are benefits to caring cat owners in obtaining glimpses into the mind of their pet because it enhances their bond with their cat and facilitates communications. So next time you are alone with your cat and do not have anything to do, try reading your cat's mind...
You will probably learn something you did not know before and have a greater understanding because of it......
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