Monday, April 4, 2011

Some Other Little Know Dates In April...

April 1 - 7th - International Pooper Scopper Week

A paws has established a special week of educating pet owners on the importance of cleaning up after their dogs. Dog waste is not a joke! For more information, visit

April 11th - National Pet Day

It is estimated that approximately 16,000 pets die in the U.S. Shelters every single day.

This means that roughly every single hour of the day, 667 cats and dogs are taking their last breath. Support the spay/neuter programs of your local shelters abd rescue donating even a dollar a month could be super helpful to them. If a million people donated $1 a month, that's One MLLION DOLLARS raised for shelters across the nation!! Think about all they could do with that!

April 24th - National Pet Parent's Day

This is a day to recognize those who consider pets as a part of their families, For all the poop you have scopped; for all the treats you've givien,for all the sleeplees nights you have been crowded out of bed - we honor you!

April 26th - National Kids & Pets Day

I hope your April finds you in good spirit and good health!

Enjoy your month!

The amazing weather is right around the coner...


Easter will be here sooner than you think and while you are coloring eggs and getting those baskets together, I have a few things for you to keep in mind about your pets.

Eggs - Dyes and Plastic

Shiny plastic eggs look like toys to your pets but if they chew and swallow that egg, it can cause intestinal problems that could require surgery. Fresh, hard boiled eggs are not dangerous, but a spoiled unfound egg found by your pet days later can make them very sick.

Easter Grass

Cats are especially attracted to these tiny shreds, but ingesting them may be lethal. Pets cannot digest it thus leading the threads to get stuck in their intestines, doing some damage.


I've mentioned this before; chocolate can make your pets very sick. Make sure your children know this also.

Easter Lilies

Though these flowers are beautiful and festive, they are one of the most poisonous plants for pets, especially to cats. Vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite are symptoms of lily poison. If a cat takes a bite of the flower, they can die from kidney failure in less than two days if left untreated.


Other than chocolate, other candies are bad for your pets. Too much sugar can cause digestive upset. The foil wrapping around candies can cause internal damage.

Easter Toys

Those inexpensive toys that we all stuff our kids Easter baskets with - baby chicks, bendy bunnies, look like a good snack to your pet. They are a choking hazard and should be kept away from pets. Keep baskets off the ground or pets in another room while your kids are tearing through them.

Baby animals

Baby chicks, bunnies and ducks seem like the perfect addition to your child's Easter basket, but think twice!! Not only will they grow up into large adult animals, but they often carry Salmonella, which can be transmitted to your children and your pets. Stuffed bunnies and chicks make better Easter pets!!