Saturday, July 23, 2016

5 Household Products That Can Kill Your Cat Or Dog...

When you bring your new fur baby home, you may be more concerned with finding them a bed, water bowl, and bathroom routine. 

What most pet owners do not consider is the need to pet-proof their home for the safety of their pet.

Avoid an emergency vet trip and keep your pet's healthy by keeping common household items away from them

Liquid Air Fresheners

It is natural to want to keep your home smelling fresh and clean.  However the liquid air fresheners and potpourri that make your house smell so so good contain cationic detergent, which can be detrimental to your pet's health. 

Cats especially may be tempted to lick the liquid. 

The chemical can also irritate their skin. 

In dogs may include difficulty in walking, pawing at the mouth or face and vomiting.


If you are an avid gardener or tend to have flea or tick medication lying around in the summer.

You may want to reevaluate your placement of these common household insecticides. 

The products are packed with chemicals and if your pet ingests all of which can lead to death.  If you need to protect your pet against fleas or ticks. talk to your veterinarian on what products are safe for your cat or dog. 

Some pets have adverse reactions pyrethroids and pyrethrins, which are two common ingredients in flea and tick products.  

Household Plants

When you buy a plant or bring home a bouquet of flowers you cat or dog might decide to nibble on the flower or leaf.

Unfortunately as a pet owner you need to be aware that some of the everyday plants you bring into your home can actually poison your pet.

Common household plants that pose a danger include  lilies, azaleas, philodendron, mistletoe among others.

Painkillers & Other Drugs..

It is safe to assume that pills and creams should be kept away from your pet.

Dogs especially have been known to gnaw through tubes to eat products. 

Any form of  aspirin or ibuprofen, cold medication, anti-depressants, diet pills and even vitamins can be toxic to animals 

If your pet is in pain, resist the urge to give them any form of pain killer as even acetaminophen can cause liver damage in animals.


Whether you use it for cooking or snacking, chocolate is one common household food item that can be very toxic to your pet. 

The darker the chocolate the more dangerous. 

Baker's chocolate is often thought to be the most dangerous because of the high levels of methylxanthine it contains.

Pets eat too much of this substance and will experience diarrhea, vomiting and excessive thirst and urination.

In some casters your pet will experience abnormal heart rhythms, tremors and seizures.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Seven Food Your Cat Should Never Eat...

It is a good thing cats are suck picky eaters, because some of the foods we eat are not just bad for them.  They can be lethal.

Onions, Chives, & Garlic

While you may love these foods, they can break down a cat's red blood cells and cause your cat to become anemic.


No great for you feline.  This is because avocados contain Persin, a toxin that is generally harmless to humans, but can be toxic to cast (and dogs) in large quantities.


Alcohol should never be consumed by pets in any quantity.  It has the same effect on your cast as it does on you, but your cat's body weight is a tenth to a twentieth of yours.


Many of us have a problem with chocolate but cats have real problems,.  Chocolate contains Theobromine, which can be fatal to your pet.  Never offer anything with chocolate, even icing on a cake.

Dog Food

While a dog can (ans most likely will) est cat food, it is bad idea for your cat to eat dog food.  As felines have a higher protein needs than dogs.  Eating dog food frequently will lead to malnourishment in your cat. 


As it is with dogs, caffeine can be lethal to a cat.  Be extra cautious that you do not leave coffee or tea where your cat can get to it.  As there is no medicinal cure or antidote in case of an overdose.


Most cats are lactose intolerant, which can cause discomfort and diarrhea and dairy products can trigger food allergies.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The Role Of Scent...How Cats Create A Scent

Scent plays a huge role in a cat's life.  

Scent is also used by cats to identify each other.
When cats are unfamiliar with each other their scent detects the ability to provide a valuable information about the other cat that left the scent..

It is so fine tuned and detailed, the scent marks will tell the sniffer information such as sex, status sexual availability and age of the car.   

It is  like  the feline version of leaving  a business card.

Respect your cat's sense of smell.

Your cat has a very sensitive nose and there are so many scents in his or her environment.  
Be aware of how invasive certain scents may be such as highly scented litter, room  fresheners, household cleansers, perfumes, etc.  

Also be mindful of how important it si to keep the litter box clean due to your cat's highly sensitve nose.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Spring Time Safety For Your Pet

Dogs and cats often paw at and remove an insect's stinger, but should you see one through your pet's fur coat, scrape it away with a credit card, popsicle stick or similar stiff object.  Pulling the stinger with fingers or tweezers could rupture the poison sac allowing the toxin to enter your pet's body.

Administer 1mg Benadryl per pound of your dog's body weight and apply a cold pack to any swelling.  Should severe swelling or any breathing difficulties develop, get your pet to your veterinarian at once.

Although many fruits and vegetables may be in season, do not feed human foods to your pet without doing your research! 

Many are poisonous.

Grapes and raisins, contain an unknown toxin that can shut down your pet's kidneys, seed and pits of stone fruits may contain cyanide or arsenic, onions, chives
and garlic can cause hemolytic anemia, tomato and potato leaves and stems can result in digestive, nervous and/or urinary system difficulties.

Ice tea or coffee could increase your pet's heart rate in seizures.

Carrots, green beans, broccoli, apples and bananas however, are safe and beneficial for most dogs and cats.  Make sure the pieces do not become a choking hazard.

With April showers come May flowers.

Some of the most toxic plants include:  Amaryllis, Azaleas/Rhododendron, Bulbs, Castor Bean, Chrysanthemum, Cyclamen, English Ivy, Juniper Lilies, Kalanchoe, Marijuana, Oleander, Yew, Onion, Sago Palm, Schefflera and Potato Plants. 

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Why Is My Pup Shedding and what can I do ?

Breeds that need frequent hair cuts tend to shed less. 

The most popular of these breeds are Poodles, Schnauzers, Shih -Tzus, Scotties, Bichons and Airedales, as well  as Yorkshire, Carin, Maltese, Silky, Wheaton, Fox, Beldington and West Highland Terriers. 

Greyhounds are generally low shedders also.  Long haired dogs may appear to shed more, but this is really just an illusion because  their long hair strands are easier to notice. 

The color of your dog's hair also influences how noticeable hair is around the house.

If you adopt a mixed breed dog and shedding is important to you.
Adopt one with a curly or long hair coat or one that you know is a cross with one of the low shed breeds. 

The trade off that dogs with this type of hair coat need more grooming and suffer more in hot weather.

At a distant time in the past, dogs entered their shed in the spring in response to increasing daylight hours.  

Just as wolves and other wild animals do.  But as they slowly evolved into living with us and lost more than their wild nature, they also lost their normal periodic cycles. These cycles are called cercadian rhythms. 

How they work is poorly understood, but they control all sorts of annual changes from reproduction , mood and hair growth.

Nordic breeds as the Huskys and Spitz, etc., have retained this wild shed pattern best. 

They generally do their  shedding on one or two short spurts during the year in the spring and fall.

Hair loss is different from shedding.  When a dog sheds, a new hair is growing it the hair follicle to replace it.  

When a dog suffers from hair loss due to some form of sickness, no new hair grows or it grows very slowly. 

In another form of hair loss caused by a sluggish thyroid gland, hair is replaced to infrequently and individual hairs stay on the pet so long, that they literally wear out. 

This is why black coats in dogs with this problem sometimes appear reddish brown. 
Dogs that have hair loss on areas that rub allot like their sides, hind legs and tail have this or a similar problem.

It appears that the more natural light your pet experiences, the more likely it is to shed on one or two discrete period.  

This may not be the case in your pet, but it is worth a try.  Seasonal changes in all animals are due to change in the length of the day, not to changes in the weather.

A good diet minimizes shedding.  Be sure the pet food you feed contains adequate levels of protein, fats vitamins and minerals.  Most nationally marketed brand do. 

If your pet receives a large portion of diet in table scraps, try cutting those down.

Pets in good general health shed less than those that are not.  Anything that makes your pet scratch will increase the amount of hair you find around the house. 

The most common causes are fleas and allergies.

Brushing your pet frequently with the proper comb will remove the problem of hair around the house. 

This is the low tech solution.

A good slicker brush along with a good greyhound comb. 

There is a proper size for each pet.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Scratch That & More

Scratching is normal for cats

Firstly cat people cannot stop their cats from scratching objects.

Cats do this for a number or reasons, all of which are normal feline instincts and behavior. 

Cat's claws grow regularly which makes sense, given the amount of use they receive. 

As the claws grow, cats remove the dead portion of the sheath by scratching them on a rough surface.

Kittens scratch because it is fun and feels good and is a great way for them to explore the  texture of new or even familiar items.

                                Items  Appropriate For Scratching

Post made of sisal fabric.

Sisal is a tough, durable fabric, not dissimilar in texture to tree back. 

Fabric is a better choice than rope because rope can become knotty. 
As the knots untangle, the rope can catch on the cat's claws making the sensation less pleasurable.

Some cats can even damage their claws if they catch them on rope threads.

Scratching posts should be tall enough for a cat to stretch full length and still be able to scratch the post.

The post must be sturdy and not fall over or tilt when the cat attempts to utilize it. 

This means a strong base and proper construction are critical. 

Once you have a few sturdy sisal and scratching post the next step is to get your cat or kitten to use it.

Placement of the post is an important consideration.

Put the post near things that the cat has already scratched. 
If the cat has been scratching furrows in a couch, locating a scratching post next to that couch is worth considering.  

Place a small amount of catnip by the base of the post to make it even more attractive.

Offer praise to encourage your feline to scratch, maybe a treat, whenever the cat uses the post.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

                                         Winter Is Coming..

                                     The Things Your Pets Need

                                       Beware of Windchill

 Exposed skin on noses, ears and paws can quickly freeze and result in frostbite  or  hypothermia.

                                        Check Under  The Hood Of The Car 

  Animals seek out engine heat.  Pound on hood before starting car. 

                                          Protect Paws

 Salt and chemicals use to make snow melt can irritate paw pads and damage mouths.  wipe paws with a damp cloth after walking.

                                                Feral Cats 

 Make an insulation shelter with towels and old rugs to keep them warm.
Lots of water and food.  Take a picture with date and time to see if they are returning the same time every day.  Call your local shelter or City Hall to see who can pick them up.