Yes Me Ms. Stinky the One and Only..
The Head Cat..
I would love for you to send my staff and me pictures of your best bud.
We have allot of pictures here at the store and it is time to let go of the old ones and bring in the new fresh furry faces.
Who knows you might be on our blog for while, slide show or even win a small token of our gratitude with a gift.
Either way I just love seeing other cats and pooches along with their humans in pictures.
Send them to me Ms. Stinky at msstinky@msn.com
Deadline is 12/26/2010.
The Head Cat..
I would love for you to send my staff and me pictures of your best bud.
We have allot of pictures here at the store and it is time to let go of the old ones and bring in the new fresh furry faces.
Who knows you might be on our blog for while, slide show or even win a small token of our gratitude with a gift.
Either way I just love seeing other cats and pooches along with their humans in pictures.
Send them to me Ms. Stinky at msstinky@msn.com
Deadline is 12/26/2010.