A cat's ears can adopt several different positions and for several different reasons:
Ears erect and forward - alert with attention focused ahead.
Ears swiveled sideways like a swing - wing fighter - on the offensive.
Ears pressed backward onto the head giving the appearance of a snake - extreme defense.(ears folded back to protect them from harm)
One ear forward and one back - ambivalence.
Ears rotating like radar dishes - listening carefully in an attempt to find the source of the sound.
Your cat normally keeps their mouth closed. This tells us very little about a cat's motivation.
When the mouth is open, however, you can sometimes learn about your ca't's motiviation.
Open mouth with lips retracted. Your cat stares, bears their teeth and hisses .
This indicates intimidation and aggressions.
The yawn, Yawing indicates stress, ambivalence, or sometimes preparedness for action.
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