Saturday, January 24, 2015

Matting The Truth & More...

Matting refers to densely tangled clumps of fur in a pet's coat.  If a coat is not properly and/or frequently brush or comb loose and live hair becomes embedded in large masses.  sometime mats can be combed out, but if left too long it is impossible without seriously harming the animal.


Matting is especially prevalent in long hair dogs during seasonal shedding, if the excessive hairs are not removed.  Regular and frequent grooming, especially brushing is absolutely  necessary to not only prevent mats, but to keep your pet's coat and skin healthy.


Severe matting can be extremely painful to your dog during brushing.  Brushing only causes live hairs to be pulled out of the skin with excruciating pain.  Even mild matting can cause your pet a great deal of pain. 

Matting can cut off blood supply to extremities and deny regular air circulation.  Skin denied fresh air and stimulation from regular brushing becomes quite unhealthy.  It can turn dark pink to re and open sores are apt to form emitting foul odors.  Even organic matter, like weeds and stickers can become embedded in the skin.  Matts have been known to contain stool of the pet and even fly larvae that further irritate the skin.  Remember, sometime these mats and their consequences can be completely hidden from view.

Some severely matted pets may require the attention of a veterinarian.

Removing Matts

Shaving a matted cot is a delicate and slow process requiring experience and expertise.  A dog's skin is thin like tissue paper and dense mats can cause it to become loose due to the weight of the matting.  Clippers can easily cut loose skin if not done properly and safely.

After shaving, a pet may develop an itchy skin response.  Owners should watch to ensure that constant scratching  does not cause the skin to become irritated. 


Dead, loose hairs should be remove through regular and thorough brushing and combing.  This is especially important for long haired dogs and when dogs shed seasonally. Keeping your dog's hair at a manageable length also helps to prevent matting.  Regular grooming is essential too.

Grooming should be done on a regular basis every 4 to 6 weeks, after 8 to 10 weeks a coat may become too dirty and matted to maintain.

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